EEL 510389 – Digital Systems and Reconfigurable Devices
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEEL)
Course code: EEL 510389
Course name: Digital Systems and Reconfigurable Devices
Course name (in Portuguese): Sistemas Digitais e Dispositivos Lógicos Reconfiguráveis
Undergraduate – Electrical Engineering (EEL)
Course code: EEL 7838
Course name: Project Level I in Electronics III
Course name (in Portuguese): Projeto Nível I em Eletrônica III
Credits: 4
Professor: Eduardo Augusto Bezerra
Term: 2025/1 - Mondays 18:00-18:50-19:40-20:30-21:20
Introduction to digital systems; Combinational and sequential circuits; Digital systems design at the register transfer level (RTL); CPU classical model with datapath and control unit; Reconfigurable devices; Digital systems prototyping.
Conceitos introdutórios de sistemas digitais; Circuitos combinacionais e sequenciais; Projeto de sistemas digitais no nível de transferência entre registradores (RT); Modelo clássico de CPU com bloco de dados e bloco de controle; Dispositivos lógicos reconfiguráveis; Prototipação de sistemas digitais.
- The contents will be introduced through lectures with the aid of multimedia resources.
- Laboratory sessions where the students follow tutorials provided by the lecturer with instructions for using tools and development boards.
- Reading and discussion of classical and state-of-the-art scientific papers.
- Presentation of seminars prepared by the students.
- The supporting texts and source codes used in the lectures and in the laboratory sessions are available on the course’s page and on the Moodle platform.
- Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) will be used throughout the course to describe the circuits and digital systems presented.
- Introduction
- Combinational circuits
- Sequential circuits
- Reconfigurable systems
- The design flow of digital systems using EDA tools
- Digital systems and hardware description languages
- Boolean Algebra and Boolean Expressions
- Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers
- Arithmetic circuits, adders, comparators, counters, shifters, multipliers
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): synthesis and simulation with a hardware description language
- Sequential circuits and controllers
- Latches and flip-flops
- Finite State Machines (FSMs)
- Controllers design using FSMs
- FSMs synthesis using a hardware description language
- Case study
- Datapath and control unit design for a processing unit
- Register Transfer Level (RTL) description of a processing unit using a hardware description language
- Simulation, logical synthesis, physical synthesis, and hardware prototyping of a processing unit
Student assessment
- The final grade (FG) is calculated through the geometric mean: FG = sqrt(P x A), where P is the end-of-term project grade, and A is the grade for the mid-term assessment.
- Pass conditions:
- EEL 510389 students: class attendance > 75% and FT >= 7,0
- EEL 7838 students: class attendance > 75% and FT >= 6,0
Reading list
- David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, “Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2020.
- Frank Vahid, “Digital Design”, 1st ed., Wiley, 2007.
- Eduardo Bezerra and Djones Lettnin, “Synthesizable VHDL Design for FPGAs“, Springer, 2014.
- Randy Katz, Gaetano Borrielo, “Contemporary Logic Design””, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2005.
- John F. Wakerly, “Digital design: Principles and practices”, Prentice Hall, 2005.
- Volnei A. Pedroni, “Circuit Design with VHDL”, The MIT Press, 2004.
- Frank Vahid, “VHDL for Digital Design”, 1st ed., Wiley, 2007.
- Pong P. Chu, “FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version”, Wiley-Interscience, 2008.
Supporting tools
- Frank Vahid’s slides: author page and local copy
- Frank Vahid’s exercises: exercises
- Web tools:
- DE1-SOC documentation and tools:
- Development kit pinout – Pinos.csv
- Lab. 1 EEL5105 – Introduction to Quartus II
- Lab. 2 EEL5105 – Quartus II and ModelSim
Week | Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Digital systems and VHDL synthesis for FPGAs:
2 | Digital systems and VHDL synthesis for FPGAs:
3 | Introduction to reconfigurable devices:
4 | Digital systems testing and VHDL Test Benches:
5 | Sequential circuits and FSMs:
Supporting papers:
6 | Mid-term assessment. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | No class – Holiday | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | RISC-V case study
9 | RISC-V architecture – instructions execution
Presentations describing the execution of the instructions in the RISC-V architecture, using slide 72 of Chapter 4 (pages 542 to 600 of Patterson e Hennessy “Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface”). The students must find out the binary codes for the instructions listed next, and explain all the activities performed by the architecture (datapath and control unit). The explanation must consider a multi-cycle (pipeline) RISC-V architecture, using a VHDL implementation to show where in the code the respective instruction is described (which parts of the VHDL hardware are exercised by the instruction).
10 | RISC-V case study – papers discussion
11 | End-of-term project definition – Discussion on the expected architecture for the end-of-term project (memories, I/O, datapath, control unit).
RISC-V Tools:
12 | End-of-term project – Discussion on the expected architecture for the end-of-term project (memories, I/O, datapath, control unit).
13 | End-of-term project – Discussion on the expected architecture for the end-of-term project (memories, I/O, peripherals, datapath, control unit). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | End-of-term project (10%): Technical report – preliminary. The block diagrams used in the text must be prepared by the students. Slides/book copies will not be considered! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | End-of-term project (10%): VHDL + testbench of the datapath. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | End-of-term project (10%): VHDL + testbench of the control unit. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | End-of-term project (20%): VHDL + testbench of the datapath and control unit integration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | End-of-term project (50%): Demonstration of the proposed RISC-V implementation in a simulator, and final report upload in the Moodle platform. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Reserved. |
Papers presented in past editions (last update in 2021):
- “FPGA Implementation of Floating Point Based Cuckoo Search Algorithm“, IEEE Access, 2019.
- “Validation Techniques for Fault Emulation of SRAM-based FPGAs“, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2015.
- “RV-CNN: Flexible and Efficient Instruction Set for CNNs Based on RISC-V Processors“, APPT – Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, 2019.
- “A New Automatic Real-Time Crop Row Recognition Based on SoC-FPGA“, IEEE Access, 2020.
- “Design and Implementation of a 256-Bit RISC-V-Based Dynamically Scheduled Very Long Instruction Word on FPGA“, IEEE Access, 2020.
- “Design of a High Accuracy and Real-Time Indoor Positioning System Based on Coding Point Identification and its FPGA Implementation“, 4th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), 2020.
- “Design and Implementation of Real-Time Localization Algorithms Based on FPGA for Positioning and Tracking“, IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE), 2019
- “FPGA Implementation of a Synchronization Circuit for Arbitrary Trigger Sequences“, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020.
- “FPGA-Based System for In-Line Measurement of Velocity Profiles of Fluids in Industrial Pipe Flow“, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016.
- “The Cost of Application-Class Processing: Energy and Performance Analysis of a Linux-Ready 1.7-GHz 64-Bit RISC-V Core in 22-nm FDSOI Technology“, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2019.
- “Fiber-Fed Distributed Antenna System in an FPGA Software Defined Radio for 5G Demonstration“, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2020.
- “APSoC Architecture Design of 2.4 GHz ZigBee Baseband Transceiver for IoT Application“, International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET), 2019.
- “An ALU Protection Methodology for Soft Processors on SRAM-Based FPGAs“, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2019.
- “Efficient Protection of the Register File in Soft-Processors Implemented on Xilinx FPGAs“, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018.
- “Real-Time FPGA-Based Hardware Neural Network for Fault Detection and Isolation in More Electric Aircraft“, IEEE Acess, 2019.
- “A Fast and Efficient Fault Tree Analysis Using Approximate Computing“, 15th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), 2019.
- “VHDL Based Circuits Design and Synthesis on FPGA: A Dice Game Examplefor Education“, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 2017.
- “Deadlock detection in FPGA design: A practical approach“, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2015.
- “Impact of Microarchitectural Differences of RISC-V Processor Cores on Soft Error Effects“, IEEE Acess, 2018.
- Hung, E.; Quinton, B.; Wilton, S.J.E., “Linking the Verification and Validation of Complex Integrated Circuits Through Shared Coverage Metrics,” IEEE Design & Test, vol.30, no.4, pp.8,15, Aug. 2013.
- Subramanyan, P.; Tsiskaridze, N.; Wenchao Li; Gascon, A.; Wei Yang Tan; Tiwari, A.; Shankar, N.; Seshia, S.A.; Malik, S., “Reverse Engineering Digital Circuits Using Structural and Functional Analyses,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol.2, no.1, pp.63,80, March 2014
- Azcondo, F.J.; de Castro, A.; Brañas, C., “Course on Digital Electronics Oriented to Describing Systems in VHDL,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.57, no.10, pp.3308,3316, Oct. 2010.
- Abdallah, A.; Feron, E.M.; Hellestrand, G.; Koopman, P.; Wolf, M., “Hardware/Software Codesign of Aerospace and Automotive Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.98, no.4, pp.584,602, April 2010.
- Brackenbury, L.E.M.; Plana, L.A.; Pepper, J., “System-on-Chip Design and Implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol.53, no.2, pp.272,281, May 2010.
- Guralnik, E.; Aharoni, M.; Birnbaum, A.J.; Koyfman, A., “Simulation-Based Verification of Floating-Point Division,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.60, no.2, pp.176,188, Feb. 2011.
- “FPGA architectural research: a survey“; Brown, S.; IEEE Design & Test of Computers; Vol 13; issue 4; pp. 9; 1996.
- “Convergence in reconfigurable embedded systems“; Valderrama, Carlos Jojczyk, Laurent Possa, Paulo; IEEE ICECS 2010; pp. 1144; 12-15 Dec. 2010.
- “Survey of New Trends in Industry for Programmable Hardware: FPGAs, MPPAs, MPSoCs, Structured ASICs, eFPGAs and New Wave of Innovation in FPGAs“; S.Z. Ahmed et. al.; FPL 2010; Aug. 31 2010-Sept 2 2010.
- “Closing the SoC design gap“; Henkel, J.; Computer; Vol 36; issue 9; pp. 119-121; Sept. 2003.
- “A CubeSat design to validate the Virtex-5 FPGA for spaceborne image processing“; D. L. Bekker et. al.; IEEE Aerospace Conference; pp. 1; Mar. 2010.
- “Architecture of field-programmable gate arrays“; Rose, J. El Gamal, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A.; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 81; Issue 7; Jul. 1993.
- “FPGA Design Methodology for Industrial Control Systems—A Review“; Monmasson, E. Cirstea, M.N.; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; Vol 54; Issue 4; Aug. 2007.
- “A Real/Complex Logarithmic Number System ALU“; Arnold, M.G. Collange, S.; IEEE Transactions on Computers; pp. 202; Vol. 60 Issue 2; Feb. 2011.
- “Design and Implementation of an Arithmetic Processor Unit Based on the Logarithmic Number System“; Carrillo, S. Carrillo, H. Viveros, F.; IEEE Latin America Transactions (Revista IEEE America Latina); Vol 8; issue 6; pp. 605; Dec. 2010.
- “An HIL-Based Reconfigurable Platform for Design, Implementation, and Verification of Electrical System Digital Controllers“; Karimi, S. Poure, P. Saadate, S.; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; pp. 1226; Vol. 57 Issue 4; Apr. 2010.
- “A guide to migrating from microprocessor to FPGA: coping with the support tool limitations“; E.A.Bezerra and M.P.Gough; Microprocessors and Microsystems; Vol 23; pp 561-572; March 2000.
- “A survey of dynamically reconfigurable FPGA devices“; Donthi, S. Haggard, R.L.; System Theory, 2003.; pp. 422; Mar. 2003.
- “Reconfigurable computing architecture survey and introduction“; Azarian, A. Ahmadi, M.; ICCSIT 2009; pp. 269; 8-11 Aug. 2009.
- “FPGA supercomputing platforms: A survey“; Awad, M.; FPL 2009; pp. 564; Aug. 2009.
- “HW acceleration for FPGA-based drive controllers“; S. Ben Othman et. al.; ISIE 2010; pp. 196; Jul. 2010.
- “Modern fault tolerant architectures based on partial dynamic reconfiguration in FPGAs“; Straka, M. Kastil, J. Kotasek, Z.; DDECS 2010; Apr. 2010.
- “Hardware design of independent experimental platform based on FPGA“; Hu Haoran Wu Jiani Zhang Fei; ICCSNA 2010; Jun. 2010.
- “FPGA Design Methodology for Industrial Control Systems—A Review“; Monmasson, E. Cirstea, M.N.; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; Vol. 54; Issue 4; Aug. 2007.
- “A modularized FPGA-based embedded system development platform“; Yu-Tsang Chang et. al.; IEEE IECON 2010; pp. 1697; Nov. 2010.
- “Creation of Partial FPGA Configurations at Run-Time“; Silva, M.L. Ferreira, J.C.; DSD 2010; pp. 80; Sept. 2010.
- “Low power State Machine design on FPGAs“; Saleem, A. Khan, S.A.; ICACTE 2010; Aug. 2010.
- “Design of high speed data acquisition system based on FPGA and DSP“; Zhang Baofeng Wang Ya Zhu Juncha ; ICAie 2010; pp. 132; Oct. 2010.
- “UCORE: Reconfigurable Platform for Educational Purposes“; F.J. Quiles et. al.; ReConFig 2010; Dec. 2010.
- “iBoard: A highly-capable, high-performance, reconfigurable FPGA-based building block for flight instrument digital electronics“; He, Yutao Ashtijou, Mohammad; NASA/ESA AHS 2010; pp. 73; June 2010.
- “Faults Coverage Improvement Based on Fault Simulation and Partial Duplication“; J. Borecky et. al.; DSD 2010; pp. 380; Sept. 2010.
- “Rapid development of space applications with responsive digital electronics board and LabVIEW FPGA“; M. McMickell et. al.; NASA/ESA AHS 2010; pp. 79; June 2010.
- “A biomimetic model for bats’ echolocation signal processing and it’s implementation on FPGA“; Binbin Cheng Fei Yang Jing Xu; ICSPS 2010; Jul. 2010.
- “A direct bitstream manipulation approach for Virtex4-based evolvable systems“; Cancare, F. Santambrogio, M.D. Sciuto, D.; ISCAS 2010; pp. 853; Jun. 2010.
- “Design of combinational logic training system using FPGA“; Sothong, S. Chayratsami, P.; IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE); Oct. 2010.
- “Design and Implementation of HDLC Protocol and Manchester Encoding Based on FPGA in Train Communication Network“; Guozheng Li Nanlin Tan; ICIC 2010; pp. 105; Jun. 2010.
- Raffelsieper, M.; Mousavi, M.R.; Sleuters, J., “Process Algebra as a Common Framework for Hardware/Software Coverification,” IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, vol.3, no.1, pp.9,12, March 2011.
- “Applying Model-Checking to Post-Silicon-Verification: Bridging the Specification-Realisation Gap“; Dahmoune, O. de B Johnston, R.; ReConFig 2010; Dec. 2010.
- “Area-efficient FPGA logic elements: Architecture and synthesis“; J.H. Anderson, Qiang Wang; Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2011 16th Asia and South Pacific; pp. 369-375; Jan. 2011
- “Efficient absolute difference circuits in Virtex-5 FPGAs“;S. Perri, P. Zicari, P. Corsonello; MELECON 2010 – 2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, pp. 309-313; Apr 2010
- “Roving STARs: an integrated approach to on-line testing, diagnosis, and fault tolerance for FPGAs in adaptive computing systems“; Abramovici, M.; Emmert, J.M.; Stroud, C.E.; The Third NASA/DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, 2001, pp.73-92, 2001
- LEON3 ViP: A Virtual Platform with Fault Injection Capabilities
- SystemC Cosimulation and Emulation of Multiprocessor SoC Designs
- A SystemC-Based Transaction Level Modeling of On-Chip-Bus
- A Transaction Level Assertion Verification Framework in SystemC: An Application Study
- Induction-Based Formal Verification of SystemC TLM Designs
- SystemC-AMS model of a dynamic large-scale satellite-based AIS-like network
- Designing a Fault-Tolerant Satellite System in SystemC
- Wieman, T.; Bhattacharya, B.; Jeremiassen, T.; Schroder, C.; Vanthournout, B., “An Overview of Open SystemC Initiative Standards Development,” IEEE Design & Test of Computers, vol.29, no.2, pp.14,22, April 2012.