Dr. Eduardo Bezerra is a Researcher and Lecturer of Computer Engineering at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), where he is with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering since 2010. He was formerly with the Faculty of Informatics, Catholic University (PUCRS), Brazil, from 1996 to 2010. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the Space Science Centre, University of Sussex, England, UK, in 2002. He is the author and co-author of papers published covering a broad range of scientific topics within the disciplines of Computer Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of embedded systems, space applications, computer architecture, reconfigurable systems (FPGAs), software and hardware testing, fault tolerance and microprocessor applications. At PUCRS, he was the head of the Embedded Systems Group (GSE) where he led and managed several research projects funded by Brazilian Government Agencies and also by the industry. In 2004 he set up a company named Innalogics at PUCRS Technological Park, TecnoPUC. Innalogics is a spin-off of GSE aiming the improvement of industry-university collaboration in the field of embedded systems design. At UFSC he is the head of the Space Technology Research Laboratory (SpaceLab), leading space missions as FloripaSat, launched in 2019, and the Catarina Constellation.